Tutors and Teachers and Instructors (all other)
Top 3 Teachers Jobs
- Little Falls School District
- Little Falls, NJ
Support district administration, staff, and teachers with mandates and challenges related to COVID-19 including health and safety, virtual learning, student engagement/success, and mental/emotional ...
Kindergarten Teacher
- Bright Horizons
- Golden, CO
Child Care Assistant Teacher Imagine your future teaching with a world-class team where you make a difference for children every day. Imagine learning from experts in your field, and having the ...
Assistant Preschool Teacher
- Tableland Services, Inc.
- Somerset, PA
The Assistant Preschool Teacher supports the Lead Teacher in maintaining a developmentally appropriate, engaging, individualized, safe, and healthy classroom environment for the preschool student
What Tutors and teachers and instructors Do
All teachers and instructors not listed separately.
Tutor and teacher and instructor Salaries
- 2020 employment: 385,000
- May 2021 median annual wage: $46,890
Job Outlook for Tutors and teachers and instructors
Projected employment change, 2020-30:
- Number of new jobs: 60,200
- Growth rate: 16 percent (Much faster than average)
How to Become a Tutor, or teacher or instructor
Education and training:
- Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree
- Work experience in a related occupation: None
- Typical on-the-job training: None
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*Some content used by permission of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.