Layout Workers (Metal and Plastic)

Top 3 Layout Workers Jobs

  • PCB Layout Design Engineer - Fresh Consulting - Redmond, WA

    Title: PCB Layout Design Engineer Duration: Vendor Location: Redmond, WA Benefits: Employee ... technologies. - Closely working with our clients, we believe that long term investments are ...

  • Sr. Layout Welder - WET Design - Los Angeles, CA

    Self-starter, highly motivated working in a fast-paced department * Regularly handle electrical ... Layout 's * 10+ years of TIG Welding * 8+ years of MIG welding * Able to read blue prints and ...

  • PCB Printed Circuit Board Design and Layout Engineer Unique Stable Gro - Unique Hardware Software Systems Company in Major Growth Mode - Eugene, OR

    Experience working in a similar role with a focus on PCBA Design and Prototyping with a focus on Power Delivery (ideally with a mix of I/O and USB Power); experience with both analog and digital IC ...

See all Layout Workers jobs

What They Do

Lay out reference points and dimensions on metal or plastic stock or workpieces, such as sheets, plates, tubes, structural shapes, castings, or machine parts, for further processing. Includes shipfitters.

Layout worker Salaries

  • 2020 employment: 7,900
  • May 2021 median annual wage: $51,690

Job Outlook for Layout workers

Projected employment change, 2020-30:

  • Number of new jobs: -500
  • Growth rate: -7 percent (Decline)

How to Become a Layout worker

Education and training:

  • Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent
  • Work experience in a related occupation: None
  • Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training

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*Some content used by permission of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.

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